Texts In The Suburbs

Texts In The Suburbs....aka T.I.T.S.-  breastfeeding and boobjob talk welcome. 


I am a self admitted textaholic. I text my girlfriends all day long...we text about kids, husbands, work, sex, tv shows, wine, the school parking lot, hockey scores, the people sitting next to us, deals we find while shopping, diets, things we see on facebook that we can't say on facebook, and what have you.

Its the perfect communication for moms because we can usually not speak freely as we are always in the presence of children or in places that are so flippin loud no one could hear us if we tried to talk.

Texts In The Suburbs is inspired by Texts From Last Night, which is dirty and profane and totally cracks me up. For my mom friends and I, the days of waking up in our own vomit are (for the most part) over... but waking up to some little person's vomit, well sometimes can inspire funny texts too.

And that's really the part of motherhood I adore- the part that people don't admit on facebook or twitter... that even though we are grown ups, and moms, we still have fun. We still think (and text our friends) hilarious, dirty, desperate, wacky thoughts and get into hilarious, dirty, desperate, wacky situations. I find even the most stressful moment at home or at work can usually be helped by a funny text from a girlfriend.

So the next time you get one, send it straight from your phone to textsinthesuburbs@gmail.com so we can post it!!