Check out the custom Hockey Moms are the Hottest travel mug I ordered for my super hot hockey mom friend. Stay tuned for my fashion line "Cowbells and Dreams"...hats, gloves, blankets and of course sweatpants with COWBELL across the ass. It's all happening! (just kidding, nothing is happening and grown women shouldn't wear sweatpants in public)
I know what you are thinking- just WHY are hockey moms are the hottest? I'm pretty sure it's all about the attitude...
1. if you let your kids play hockey, you can't be an uptight, paranoid mom that hovers over her kid, even if they get hurt. there is plexiglass between mama and her cub, and we are ok with that.
2. flexibility- hockey families don't sit down to a lot of weeknight dinners, or always always go to bed on time. the only routine is going to hockey, it's just a matter of what time we need to be there.
3. one word- SCREAM- that's hot
4. we throw the best parties
5. be aggressive, B-E one pushes around a hockey mom. I don't know any other civilized women outside of reality tv who will get into it with refs, coaches, total strangers.
6. we move fast. ice time is precious and work, dinner, traffic and homework can sometimes delay our best efforts. no time to daudle. last week I dropped one child off to sharpen all the skates, two more at the door while I parked the car and still had my friend's (not even my own) six year old completely suited up and on the ice in five minutes.
7. naturally, my new Cowbells and Dreams fashion line makes anyone look HOT!
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